To centralise calls from all clinics throughout New Zealand, Family Planning and Assura worked together through several operational challenges – including finding a system that would seamlessly integrate the phone and intranet, track the outcome of each call to make sure appointment requests were not lost, and measure service levels.
Given the nature of Family Planning’s work, the information and skills required to effectively handle appointments is extensive. Call centre managers require knowledge of staff capabilities and availability within each clinic throughout New Zealand.
The full range of procedures available, how and when to access them, plus the sensitivity to deal appropriately with callers about intimate personal issues is also essential. Specialist Family Planning staff operate the client contact centre, including a duty nurse.
Keen to leverage the experience of other organisations who have undertaken similar projects, Family Planning Information Services Manager Simon Crumption and his team made research visits to other health sector call centres.
He particularly wanted a system that was flexible, easy to configure, and had the capability to be extended to meet the future strategic needs of Family Planning.